Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Brain Series

Hi Everyone...

Here is a preview of the Next Episode "Who Is In Control?" on Wed PBS Ch 11 10pm! You can also watch the first two episodes online now! :-)

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Fat Cells Influence Stress

Hi Everyone!

Some new research has found that one's body fat actually sends signals to the brain on how to deal with stress and altering our metabolism! The cycle of stress and eating now shows a return loop, our eating influences how we deal with stress. Researchers are hopeful they can learn more about this pathway and hopefully come up with new methods to treat this cycle and hopefully reduce obesity and stress in society.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Brain's Lymph System Found

Hi Everyone!

Dr. Jonathan Kipnis and his colleagues at University of Virginia Neuroscience department have discovered a new lymphatic system in the meninges. This immune system working between lymph nodes in the neck and cerebrospinal fluid. This lymph system may be involved in disorders such as Alzheimer's Disease, Autism, MS and other Autoimmune Disorders.

Got Hangry?

Hi Everyone!

Every wonder why you get angry when you hungry? It is called Hangry! Hangry has a variety of causes, glucose, social norms,  and genes. Check out this article to learn more about how these factors influence hangry and how you can avoid it. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

ECT May Be Coming Back

Hi Everyone!

A professor in Sydney Australia has conducted a study on the use of unilateral ultra-brief ECT and is finding it just as effective as the standard ECT but with less cognitive side effects, especially memory loss. This study however is only short-term effectiveness so we'll have to wait and see what happens in the future. This study has been published in the Journal of Psychiatry.

Changing Helmet Testing Procedures

Hi Everyone!

Some new research being conducted by Stanford engineers with Stanford football players is suggesting the current helmet testing procedures may not be appropriate to test for concussions effects. Hopefully this will lead to new testing procedures and in turn more brain protection for athletes in the future.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

New Treatment for Alzheimer's Disease!

Hi Everyone!

Well research on disorders seems to be really making some big discoveries lately. A new treatment for Alzheimer's Disease has been shown to fully restore memory function. Again, this will make such an impact with 50 million people worldwide having Alzheimer's Disease currently with 1/2 of those 85 yrs will develop Alzheimer's Diseases!

UPDATE: Here is another study which finds ßCTF plays a role in the earliest stage of Alzheimer's Disease. It is a precursor of the amyloid beta (Aß) peptide.

Possible Parkinson's Treatment Found!

Hi Everyone!

Some EXCITING NEWS in research for Parkinson's Disease this week! :-) Researcher sat Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore) and McLean Hospital and Harvard Medical School in the United States have found that using an anti-Malaria drug. Woo Hoo! Man all the people it could help & so many of us it may save in the future!! 

How Much Will You Change?

Hi Everyone! Here is a great TED Talks with Dr. Daniel Gilbert discussing how much we think we will change vs how much we will change! Before you watch it, think about how much you think you will change in the future. :-)

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Get Your Brain in Shape

Hi Everyone!

We all hear the benefits of exercise to our hearts, muscles and bones but did you know exercise helps to get your brain in shape? Check out this graphic on the benefits of Exercise on the Brain.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Got A Sweet Tooth?

Hi Everyone!

Do you have a Sweet Tooth? Do others think you are just weak when you have something sweet? Some new research by Danielle Reed, PhD, a behavioral geneticist at Monell, is suggesting genetic plays a role in about 30% of the difference between those who do love sweets and those who don't particularly care for them.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Your Gut is Talking! Are you Listening?

Hi Everyone!

I have three pieces of research here you may be interested in before you grab something to eat! The first piece of research conducted by Kathy Magnusson, of the Linus Pauling Institute at the department of OSU College of Veterinary Medicine found that when one eats high-fat & high-sugar foods our mental and physical performances decline significantly.

The second piece of research conducted by Mark Lyte at Iowa State College of Veterinary Medicine, explains how what we eat influences our gut bacteria which in turn influences our Mood. The piece also explains how Psychneuroimmunology may be the path in understanding how the food we eat and gut bacteria could possibly be liked to Autism and Multiple Sclerosis. Pay attention also to how early research may be thought of a crazy at first but sometimes if you are persistent you may find it is actually changing a old paradigm to a new one.

Here is a third piece linking Gut Bacteria to other disorders.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Earth Hour

Hi Everyone!

Earth Hour is tomorrow Sat from 8:30 to 9:30pm! Check out the following website. You can join the cause to help save our carbon footprint by turning off your lights during that hour and also make a strong statement. You can also host an event for this movement as well. After you join it will have some link on the bottom and the middle one gives you some ideas.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Movie: The Honest Liar/James Randi

Hi Everyone...

James Randi is now 86 and there is a new movie coming out about him called "The Honest Liar!" This article in Scientific American discusses a bit of his work debunking some very famous liars and the new movie. Check out the trailer above and here is a link to the movie's website.