Friday, October 22, 2010

Where Does Altruism Come From?

Hi Everyone!

In the Social Psychology we discuss Altruism, when one helps another with now personal gain expected. Immaculee Ilibagiza's survival of the Rwanda Genocide is an example of Altruism on the part of her minister. Here is a segment from 60 Minutes about her and the Genocide and a recent article in Scientific American Mind on the research which suggest Altruism may be a Genetic Trait.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Bullying: It Isn't What It Use To Be!

Hi Everyone!

There has been a great deal in the media lately concerning various forms of Bullying. This article, "Bullying: It Isn't What It Use To Be" by Janice Selekman & Judith Vessey is one I have my Social Psychology students read for their Aggression Chapter.

The article explains:

* What Bullying is
* Spectrum of Behaviors
* Where it occurs (Yes it does occur in the workplace!)
* What children are involved
* What influences Bullying Behavior
* Issues for Bullies
* Issues for Victims of Bullying
* What Interventions Do NOT Work
* Helpful Interventions
* A list of additional Resources

I hope it will be helpful to you! Please also pass it along to others!

Stigma of Mental Illness for Military

Hi Everyone!

Here is an article now similar to the NFL one concerning our returning military not seeking out psychological treatment because of the stigma attached. This is something we as a society really have to help them out with after all they have done for us.