Friday, August 31, 2012

The Demise of Guys?

Hi Everyone!

This was filmed in March 2011 so not that long ago. Dr. Zimbardo provides an update on males in education and in relationships. It is short, just about 4 min, but full of a lot of information.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Its Not the Psychopaths!

In light of the recent shootings in the media, this article "Why Mass Killers Aren't Necessarily Psychopaths" by Linda Thraysbule might help clarify some myths.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Less is Just as Pleasurable!

Hi Everyone!

Dr. Rozin reported at the APA annual meeting that we get the same amount of pleasure from smaller portions as larger portions of food. He also stated we find more pleasure from the main course of the meal than the dessert! Whats more, your memory of the pleasure is also the same. He feels American restaurants will soon be serving smaller portions like other countries have for some time now. So try smaller portions and see what happens. Are you just as gratified and adding the wonderful benefit of staying fit!

Are you Stressed? Might Be Your Boss!

Hi Everyone!

Another presentation at the APA annual meeting discusses research finding "bad managers are the culprits behind enormous health costs." Dr. Robert Hogan found that "seventy-five percent of working adults say the worst aspect of their job — the most stressful aspect of their job — is their immediate boss." There is a buffer...what was my post right before this one....being physically fit! The more fit you are the more you are able to handle stress. This of course might be directly related to the job you have also. Are you sitting all day? Get up! You might even want to do you job like this guy! :-)

Get Fit...Get Smart!

Hi Everyone!

At the APA annual meeting research was presented which found the fitter a child is the higher grades will be. Now this is not cause & effect, but they do rule out some other factors. Lets think, if you body, which includes your brain is fit does it makes sense it can learn and remember? :-)