Sunday, September 6, 2009

Come On, Get Happy!

I'm sorry, I couldn't resist! :-) I can still remember my friend saying she could not stay out to play anymore because The Partridge Family was going to be on tv. I had not heard of it. I went inside myself to watch & instantly fell in love with David Cassidy. Well, he was the Zac Efron of the time! :-) I was 5 years old when the show began.

Scientific American Mind has an article by Melinda Wenner entitled, "Smile! It Could Make You Happier". This article basically discusses the Facial Feedback Hypothesis we discuss in Intro Psych. It discusses how those who can't frown, due to Botox treatments, are on average happier and those who do frown experience pain more intensely. They may try to inhibit frowning for those in pain to see if it helps relieve a person's pain. Some researchers have shown though if we do not express our negative feelings, they actually "leak" into other areas. Take a look at the article & SMILE! :-)