Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Face of Mental Illness

Hi Everyone!

Which of the following, if any, would you guess is mentally ill?

The Answer?

Could be any one, all of the above or even none of the above and that is the point!

Glenn Close has an article "Mental Illness: The Stigma of Silence" in which she discusses this very point. She discusses from personal experience from having family members who are mentally ill and compares the perception society has from distorted views from media, in particular roles she has even played in Fatal Attraction and other movies. We tend to have an image that someone who is mentally ill is suppose to look like the following picture when this is rarely the case. We think of them as different, a monster or NOT LIKE YOU or your loved ones. Hmmm!

Glenn Close & others are now trying to change this image through an organization called Bring Change 2 Mind. Watch the video below & then there are more on the site!