Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Your Gut is Talking! Are you Listening?

Hi Everyone!

I have three pieces of research here you may be interested in before you grab something to eat! The first piece of research conducted by Kathy Magnusson, of the Linus Pauling Institute at the department of OSU College of Veterinary Medicine found that when one eats high-fat & high-sugar foods our mental and physical performances decline significantly.

The second piece of research conducted by Mark Lyte at Iowa State College of Veterinary Medicine, explains how what we eat influences our gut bacteria which in turn influences our Mood. The piece also explains how Psychneuroimmunology may be the path in understanding how the food we eat and gut bacteria could possibly be liked to Autism and Multiple Sclerosis. Pay attention also to how early research may be thought of a crazy at first but sometimes if you are persistent you may find it is actually changing a old paradigm to a new one.

Here is a third piece linking Gut Bacteria to other disorders.