Friday, July 25, 2008

Find Your Inner Genius!

If you recall I provided some information on Why Intelligent People Fail and 10 Antithetical Traits of Creative People. The June/July issue of Scientific American Mind contains a panel discussion on how to Let Your Creativity Soar. The panel in this article believes that creativity is not just something you are born with, as many believe, but rather teachable and provide the skills needed. They also feel when children are young teachers squash their creativity and that parents have negative attitudes about more creative careers like artists. I am in total agreement!!! Creativity is needed in all areas of your life, personal, academic and professionally, no matter what career you go into. Take a look at the article if you would like to be more creative!

I have two personal examples which supports the the article. The first is I tend to get very creative when I'm biking or treadmilling. Sometimes the ideas are flowing so fast I really do need to stop & write them down. The second, supports the "taking a break" idea. When I was working on my Masters I stayed up very late trying to come up with an idea for my Advance Research Methods class. It was only after I laid down to go to sleep & in the "semisleep state" they mention in the article the idea visually popped in my head. I kept my eyes closed, grabbed a tablet off my desk next to me & wrote it all out. Then I opened my eyes and got up & rewrote it all out nicely. Yes, I had a very sound sleep after that and the idea blew everyone away! :-)