Sunday, July 6, 2008

Total Recall

How many of you have trouble remembering things? Lets see...the grocery list, birthdays & anniversaries (ok ask your wives & girlfriends that one!), homework, where you parked your car, questions on exams....? Ya, I thought so! Wouldn't it be just great if we never forgot anything? We have such an amazing brain when you think of it, not a hard thing to ask of it huh? :-)

I'm sure you've heard the phrase "Be Careful What You Wish For"? You just may not want to remember everything! Take it from a woman whose brain can remember so much more than many of us! She goes by "AJ" and I have a link on your extra credit list "Memory Article" on her (remember to click continue on the bottom!) but she is also in the most current issue of Psychology Today (July/August)! This one you'll have to go to the LRC or Barnes & Noble to read on page 42-43. She doesn't quite remember everything, but she has an extraordinary memory ability and it is not always so great to have. Remember Dr. Jim McGaugh in the Memory videoclip we saw in class (the one with the clarinet!), she has been studied by him. Look at what she mentions and what was discussed in the videoclip!!!

So next time you forget something maybe you won't feel quite so bad! :-)